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3 Primary Causes behind Poor Airflow from HVAC System [Infographic]

Poor airflow basically decreases the efficiency of home HVAC system. Here are 3 primary causes behind the poor airflow problem and how to avoid the situation…   3 primary reasons behind poor airflow from your HVAC systems
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How to Program a Thermostat

Programmable thermostats are getting popular day by day in the US. Most of the house owners in US are shifting to a programmable thermostat from their traditional thermostat. But unfortunately, a large portion of the users don’t know how to program the thermostat because of a lack of knowledge and fear. As a result, buying a programmable thermostat becomes worthless. The US Department of Energy says that if you can change the temperature 5 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit from its typical thermostat setting, you can save up to 10% on monthly energy bills. Now see why changing temperature matters.

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How to Program a Thermostat [Infographic]

Programming your smart or programmable thermostat is the first step towards lowering your Home HVAC system energy consumption. Here’s how you should program your thermostat –

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3 Features to Look for in Wi-Fi Thermostat

As new technology is making its way every day, people are getting more and more interested in buying smart gadgets for personal and home use. The use of smart thermostat in the US has risen over the years and will continue in the future. The main reason behind this rapid popularity is that it helps the homeowners to lower the heating and cooling bills. That’s why the use of use Wi-Fi thermostat will continue to grow in the future. In this article, I’ll talk about some features to look for in a Wi-Fi thermostat while buying, but before I’ll talk about what Wi-Fi thermostat is.

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3 Features of Wi-Fi Thermostat [Infographic]

Smart thermostat or Wi-Fi thermostat are becoming more and more popular thanks to their advanced and efficient features. These features of WiFi thermostats ensure you spend only as much as you should. Not a dime more on the electric bills.

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