4 Common Energy Efficiency Ratings are SEER, EER, HSPF and AFUE. Here’s what they mean.
SEER, EER, HSPF & AFUE ratings
Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio – SEER Rating
SEER = Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio
SEER is used for = Compare the efficiency of different
central air
conditioning units.
The basic formula is ? (Annual cooling output in the
cooling season) ÷ (total energy input in the cooling season)
Energy Efficient Ratio – EER Rating
EER= Energy Efficient Ratio
EER rating is used for = Comparing efficiency of room air
The basic formula is ? (Total cooling output at a time) ÷
(total energy input at that time period)
Heat Seasonal Performance Factor – HSPF Rating
HSPF = Heat Seasonal Performance Factor
HSPF is used for = Comparing efficiency of heat pumps
The basic formula is ? (Total heat output in heating mode)
÷ (total energy input at that time period)
Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency – AFUE Rating
AFUE = Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency
AFUE is used for = Comparing efficiency of different
furnaces, boilers and heaters.
The basic formula is ? (Total heat output) ÷ (total fuel
Read the whole article here – Understanding Energy
Efficiency Ratings Of Heating and Air Conditioning or Cooling Systems – SEER,