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It’s essential to ensure healthy air in your office. If you don’t have good air quality in your office space, both your employees and yourself will feel uncomfortable, and the productivity level will dropdown. So, here are the few ways you can improve the air quality in your office space to ensure healthy air flow.

5 Ways to Improve the Air Quality in Your Office

1.   Timely Air Filters Change

Air filters are an integral part of your HVAC system. It blocks all the small particles and dust from entering your space. As it blocks the dust and debris, it becomes dirty very often. When the air filter gets clogged, it prevents the air from entering your HVAC system. Also, it makes the HVAC system work hard to provide you heating and cooling. As a result, your heating and cooling system will consume more energy, and you’ll end up paying more money in electric bills. That’s why you need to change the air filters frequently and when needed.

You can change your air filters every 30 days to 6 months; it entirely depends on the outside air quality. If you live in a polluted city, the air filter won’t last long. As most of the offices are in cities, you can change your air filters every 2-3 months, depending on the system usage.

2.   Oversized or Undersized HVAC Unit

It’s a common problem for most of the offices that when they shift from one office space to another, they don’t change their air conditioner or heating system. But it’s important to keep in mind that all the office space isn’t the same in size and because of that, you’ll need a different size HVAC system than the other office.

Many office owners also make this mistake by believing that bigger is always better for the air conditioner. But the statement “bigger is a better” is absolutely wrong for HVAC systems. When you install an oversized HVAC system in your office, you won’t get the desired cooling because the compressor will continuously cycle on and off. As a result, your HVAC system won’t get enough time to remove the humidity from your office space, and you’ll feel uncomfortable. So, before changing your office space, you should ask an HVAC professional about the right size of the air conditioner for your new office space. This will also reduce the electric bills on heating and cooling.

3.   Clean the Condenser Coil

The condenser coil is part of the outside unit, and its main function is to remove heat from the inside office space. As it’s located in the outside, it gets dirty very soon. Because of that, the condenser coil won’t remove the same amount of heat from your office space, and you’ll stuffier in your office. That’s why it’s important to clean your condenser coil often. Again, if your office is in a densely crowded city, it’s truer, and you should clean it regularly. Otherwise, the airflow of your HVAC system will be hindered, you’ll see more wear and tears in your HVAC system, and your HVACS system will have to work more provide cooling and heating. As a result, your heating and cooling system will consume more electricity. So, to get rid of stuffiness and save your money on electric bills, you’ll have to clean your condenser coil regularly.

4.   Check the Fan

Check the fan of your air conditioner and if it’s clogged, change it or clean it. A smooth fan is required to provide proper cooling to your office space.

5.   Solve the Faulty Thermostat

A faulty thermostat can give you a lot of pain while using an air conditioner. So, check the thermostat of your air conditioner and if you find any faults, change it or replace it with a programmable thermostat.

A programmable thermostat can be a good option for modern offices. 


See the summary of this content here – 5 Ways To Improve Air Quality In Office [Infographic]

5 Ways to Improves Air Quality in Office

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